One Day | Propagation Workshop | 22nd June 2024


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Tutors: Kay Baxter and the Forest Garden Crew 

This workshop is a combination of theory and practice, where you will learn all the necessary techniques to propagate your own fruit and nut trees, as well as save heritage fruit trees in your family or bioregional orchards.

As you learn each technique, you will also put it into practice. Kay, who has been running an organic heritage fruit tree nursery for over 30 years, learned much of what she knows from elderly Tree Crops men in the 1980s, as well as from personal experience. This workshop has been attended by many people from all over New Zealand over the years and has been instrumental in empowering people to save their own heritage trees.

We will cover growing plants from seed, cuttings, and grafting/budding, and you’ll also learn about rootstocks and scion wood. Throughout the workshop, we’ll discuss why we use different techniques for different plants.

The cost of the workshop includes taking home plant material to start a home orchard or propagation facility, or both. This includes many types of seeds such as heritage peaches, nectarines, nuts, and support species for forest gardens, as well as cuttings of grapes, figs, and berries, and rootstock plants like apple, pear, and stone fruit rootstocks. 

On top of all that, you will also receive rooted suckers and plants of other varieties that are often unavailable elsewhere, with a total value of over $250 per person. You’ll also receive printed materials covering the topics you learn in the workshop, making it easier to remember everything when you return home.

Please note that this workshop is a comprehensive download of information, so it’s important to be on time. Morning and afternoon tea will be provided, but lunch is not included, so please bring your own.

We look forward to welcoming you here at Kōanga Institute.