Wheat Khorasan aka Kamut | Members Only Preservation Packet


GENUS: Triticum SPECIES: aestivum

Maximum of 5 per person

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Heritage Status: Overseas
Bio-Region of Origin: Hawke’s Bay
Number of Seeds: 120

Description: Khorasan aka Kamut wheat has a long history. It was known to be around at least 5,000 years ago. It is part of our ancient story. The grains are far larger than other wheat and do not have a hull so require no hulling before eating. They are also very beautiful, hard and glassy or flint like kernels. The whole grains are delicious served as one would serve rice soaked and long cooked, and the ground grain makes delicious bread flattish bread when made using a sourdough starter. Kamut is also great for making ‘cream of wheat’ porridge. All grains contain phytic acids and other anti nutrients and were traditionally always either fermented, sprouted or soaked and cooked for a long slow period to make the grains digestible and nutritious for the human digestive system. Please consider doing the same.

Planting Instructions: Plant in Autumn or early Spring depending on your climatic conditions. Easy to grow and thresh. Will need covering for heads as grain ripens. After harvest mature in greenhouse and thresh 2 weeks later.