Broadbean Suttons Dwarf | Members Only Preservation Packet


Vicia SPECIES: faba

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Heritage Status: Early Commercial Seed
Bio-Region of Origin: Southland
Number of Seeds: 15

Description: This bean came to us from the Henry Harrington Collection in 1995. It is one of the original seed lines he has saved from his grandparents (de Malmanche) garden at Akaroa since the days of the French settlement there. It is lower growing than other broad beans which may be an advantage in windy spots. They have green pods and tasty green beans.

Planting Instructions: Plant into seed trays and transplant into beds 25cm apart in two rows per bed. In the North are best sown in late April or May. In the South best to sow in Autumn if winters are not severe or Spring in very cold areas. Broad beans planted on a bed of wilted comfrey will give increased yield, so long as they have available calcium critical for crop health. Spray with raw milk or compost tea if needed for Blackspot.