Tree Lupin Yellow Flowering


GENUS: Lupinus SPECIES: Arboreus


Native to: California
Number of Seeds: 20

Description: Tree Lupin is an evergreen shrub growing to 1–1.5m tall forming a dome that will shade out grass if pruned to a ‘bushy’ shape. It has green to gray-green palmate leaves. The leaflets are 2–6cm long, often sparsely covered with fine silky hairs. In Spring it bears many racemes, 30cm long, of fragrant, soft yellow, pea-like yellow flowers. It is capable of tolerating temperatures down to -12°C and living for up to seven years. It is a great nitrogen pioneer species for forest garden establishment.

Planting Instructions: Early Autumn or early Spring. Scatter in seed trays. At the end of the first growth spurt prick out into pots. Once 10cm tall, transplant into permanent position. No digging needed – open a slit in the soil with a spade and plant inside.