Artichoke Dalmatian
Please note artichokes will be send out the week starting the 7th of October 2024, and seed orders can go out with the artichokes, thanks.
Description: These artichokes came directly from an elderly Dalmatian gardeners garden, right on the shores of the Kaipara Harbour near Pouto. The site chosen by an early Ships captain to make home and build the first commercial store on the Kaipara.. and where there already existed in 1840, large Māori orchards of acres of peach trees!
Out of stock
Family: ASTERACAEAE Genus & Species: Helianthus tuberosa
Heritage Status: New Zealand
Bio-Region of Origin: Kaipara: Northland
Quantity: 300gm
Please note artichokes will be send out the week starting the 7th of October 2024, and seed orders can go out with the artichokes, thanks.
Description: These artichokes came directly from an elderly Dalmatian gardeners garden, right on the shores of the Kaipara Harbour near Pouto. The site chosen by an early Ships captain to make home and build the first commercial store on the Kaipara.. and where there already existed in 1840, large Māori orchards of acres of peach trees!
View our Kōanga Perennial Crop Selection Chart
To help you decide which varieties will be best for you.
Planting Instructions: Prefer free draining, well composted or manured soil. Plant tubers direct into soil when ground temperature reaches 15 – 16ºC. We plant them at approximately 40 cm spacings in two rows along a 1 metre wide bed. They are ready in winter when the tops die back and can left in the ground until they are going to be eaten as long as the ground is not too wet. In early spring dig up all that remain in the bed, prepare the bed and replant. Alternatively they can be dug up when tops die down and stored in damp sawdust and the bed re-planted in the spring.