Microgreens – Heritage Winter Brassica Mix
GENUS: Brassica SPECIES: oleracea
Heritage Status: New Zealand
Description: Collards, Kale Pohara, Red Rock Mammoth Cabbage and Fillbasket Brussel Sprouts grown as microgreens either in the garden or in trays outside or inside are a wonderful flavour-some combo in a salad or in a sandwich. Super easy to grow in winter when short of other things.
Planting Instructions: Scatter sow seed into garden over 1 sqm and cover from birds until after germination or scatter sow into 4 seed trays indoors or in a greenhouse where birds cannot get. Place in indirect sunlight once sprouted to produce a long stem and then place in sunlight to green the leaves. Cut when first leaves are open, before second leaves for best results.
Note: these were originally called Microgreens Mix and the seed packages may say “Microgreens Mix” while we work through the previous seed packaging.