Corn Hokianga Red/Yellow | Members Only Preservation Pack



Maximum of 5 per person

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Heritage Status: New Zealand
Bio-Region of Origin: Hokianga
Number of Seeds: 50

Description: This is outstanding corn in colour and in Wairua. Gifted to us by Joseph Land and family, gifted to them from previous gardeners in the Hokianga it carries to us the memories and the spirit of people whose lives and health literally depended on these seeds. They carry us the gift of beauty, joy and continuity. We have never ever seen or heard of corn that contains two colours but the colours do not show both on the same cob. Usually when corn has more than one colour they are mixed on each cob. This corn throws 20% red cobs and 80% yellow, however the yellow cobs have a vibrant depth to them and in that depth you can sense the red; and the red cobs have a rich vibrant depth to them and in that depth you can sense the yellow. This corn is worth growing solely to remind us that life is wonderful! It has a flour centre and a hard (flint) outside. The corn can be used in many ways; as sweet corn when very young, or ground and used for polenta when dried.

Planting Instructions: Scatter sow seeds into trays and transplant when 2-5 cm high and soil temperature reached 15-16 degrees C. Transplant into beds at 40 cm diagonal spacing.