Tomato Margaret Curtain
GENUS: Lycopersicon SPECIES: lycopersicum
Heritage Status: New Zealand
Bio-Region of Origin: Southland
Number of Seeds: 10
Description: Indeterminate. Another tomato from Henry’s collection. This is a large beefsteak, with the “black’ tomato colouring. It looks very like Black Krim but bigger if anything, with a green shoulder it is absolutely delicious, and we note that in the tomato research trials done by Mark Christensen, these coloured tomatoes come out very high in the nutritional stakes.
Planting Instructions: Plant into trays late September and prick out when first leaves appear at 3cm diagonal spacing. Handle touching the leaves only. When leaves touch, transplant into 10cm deep pots or trays to 10cm diagonal spacing. When 10-15cm high transplant into garden 50cm spacings in rows. Two rows per 1m wide bed. Needs staking.