Tomato Croatian
GENUS: Lycopersicon SPECIES: lycopersicum
Heritage Status: NZ
Bio-Region of Origin: Northland
Number of Seeds: 10
Description: These tomatoes were one of the treasures in a huge tomato collection that was gifted to Kōanga, from a personal collection in the Bay of Plenty. They came to NZ with the Croatian gum diggers in the late 1800’s and, in my opinion, are one of our our best ever tomatoes. They have outstanding flavour, are super beefy and large with unusual red colourings and irregular shapes.
Planting Instructions: Plant into trays late September and prick out when first leaves appear at 3cm diagonal spacing. Handle touching the leaves only. When leaves touch, transplant into 10cm deep pots or trays to 10cm diagonal spacing. When 10-15cm high transplant into garden 50cm spacings in rows. Two rows per 1m wide bed. Needs staking.