Oats Black



GENUS: Avena SPECIES: sativa


Heritage Status: New Zealand

Bio-Region of Origin: Canterbury

Number of Seeds: 1400

Description: This line of Black oats has been selected and grown for many years at Milmore Downs where they grow it for animal feed, because it has very long high quality stems which make it an exellent carbon crop, almost hulless but not quite. All grains contain phytic acids and other anti nutrients and were traditionally always either fermented, sprouted or soaked and cooked for a long slow period to make the grains digestible and nutritious for the human digestive system. Please consider doing the same. If you want to know more, a must buy book is Change of Heart – Kay’s Recipe Book!

Planting Instructions: Scatter sow into trays Autumn or early Spring and transplant at 10cm diagonal spacing into beds when 5cm high.