Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis)

A starter plant or plants depending on size.

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SKU: 67233 Category:



Aloe vera is a fantastic medicinal plant with antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is an evergreen succulent that forms a cluster of leaves rising almost straight up from the base. The leaves are green to grey-green, and sometimes feature small white spots and short stripes on the upper and lower surfaces. Each leaf is thick and fleshy and has a run of short thorns along each side, though these are not very sharp.

The gel from the leaves is best used topically to treat many things including:

  • Sunburn
  • Minor burns and wounds to soothe and help heal
  • Areas of eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis to reduce itching and to soothe and help heal
  • Ringworm to reduce itching and to soothe and help heal

To use the gel remove a lower leaf from the plant squeeze the gel from the end. The leaf will seal itself so can be used over several days.

Growing information

Aloe Vera can be grown inside or outside in pots. It requires free draining soil so add coarse gravel if necessary. Requires only minimal watering and it is important not to over water or they can rot. They are frost tender and do not like wet conditions so keep inside during cold or wet winters.

Can be propagated by potting up the small pups that form around the plant.

Upon receipt carefully pot up and water to establish.