Peacherine | Robertson’s | Seedling OG
We now offer more and more cultivars as seedlings. We are doing this because we believe them to be a superior way to grow our genetically stable heritage varieties. Modern peaches do not grow true in the same way, and so we trial all cultivars before offering them to you. The trees are stronger and more disease resistant, but grow in size to be somewhere in between the smaller Marianna rootstock and the larger peach rootstock. We tip the central leaders in the nursery to produce a low branched tree most suitable for home gardeners. This seedling has been grown in the open ground.
61 in stock
Reliable cropper, medium size yellow peacherine with a furry skin, buttery texture and lots of flavour, very sweet, clingstone, ripe late Feb to early March, great bottling.
Outstanding peacherine from the original Robertson homestead on the Kaipara. Reliable heavy cropper, of medium size deep orange flesh and skin, with red blush when ripe, excellent flavour and texture.. Very hard to beat….better than any Golden Queen, desert and the best peach for drying.
The Robertson homestead was one of the original Kaipara homesteads which Kay and Peter Yardley visited on the first Kaipara trip later documented by Country Calendar.