Asimina Triloba | American Paw Paw Seeds


 Diameter            2-3 m
Canopy Size        3 sqm
Preferences       Moist soils, prefers to be an understory tree. Likes growing under Black Walnuts.

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Packet of 12 seeds

A native to America called the American Paw Paw. These trees/shrubs and fruits are like tropical fruits in every way except that they handle hard frosts and prefer wet feet. They grow as multi stemmed shrubs/thickets, The fruit is large, looking like an elongated cassimiroa, with a skin similar to cassimiroa, and flesh that is smooth and wet with a passionfruit feijoa banana type flavour. They have large seeds inside. You need need more than one for good pollination, however they do still fruit with only one flowering. Plant 2-3 m apart.