Bean Runner Sutton’s Giant Preservation Pack
Availability: Members only
GENUS: Phaseolus SPECIES: coccineus
Heritage Status: Early Commercial Seed
Bio-Region of Origin: South Island
Number of Seeds: 6
Description: Runner, green snap, shellout, dry bean. This is presumably a bean that was selected by the old Suttons Seed company of years gone by, sent to Koanga around 1990. It is like a Jack in the Beanstalk bean (fun for children’s gardens) The plant just keeps on going up and the pods are huge with amazing bright mauve seeds that are longer, rounder and thinner than other runner beans. They can be eaten like other runner beans.
Planting Instructions: Direct sow in Spring or plant into trays to avoid bird and slug damage. Plant into deeply prepared beds 20 cm apart and pinch tops out at 30 cm above ground for maximum production. Prefers to grow with roots in a cool moist environment. Beans stop setting if too hot or dry.