Kōanga Booklet | Beginner Gardener Booklet
So you’re interested in beginning a garden, congratulations! If you have a bit of extra space in your backyard or on your balcony, growing your own food is an awesome idea and will save you some money long term too!
Our Beginner Gardener Booklet is a comprehensive guide to take you step by step through establishing a new garden from scratch. This booklet begins with a quiz which helps you with making decisions about your garden and getting organised. The best times of year for starting a garden are listed, with instructions month by month so you’re totally ready when the time for planting comes around. The information provided is based on Kay’s life journey in the garden and will save you a lot of simple mistakes in the beginning so you already have a head start in getting some good food production.
Kay guides you through using a 40m2 Biointensive model which is both time and space efficient. This simple system teaches beginners and not-so-beginners, how to systematically improve soil and grow nutrient dense vegetables, in an efficient way. Whether you follow this exact model or another of your choice, this booklet will give you the confidence you need to move forward.
If you’re just starting out, we suggest you start with 1m2 – 5m2 and work your way up to the garden plan within this booklet. However if you’ve done a bit of gardening before and you’re keen to plant 40m2 straight away, this booklet combines perfectly with our Beginner Gardener Seed Collection for 40m2 Salads, Stir Fry’s, Soups and Stews. This will provide you with all the information and seeds needed to grow this 40m2 garden for the entire first year, enabling you to eat from your own garden every day.